Undercover fish testing finds high mercury levels

Our recent undercover investigation of grocery store fish counters led by GotMercury.org detected hazardous levels of mercury in almost every sample of swordfish and tuna. In addition to being toxic for humans, swordfish and tuna are caught in ways that kill thousands of endangered sea turtles each year. To read a copy of the Toxic Fish Counter Report please click here All swordfish samples taken from 13 San Francisco Bay Area supermarkets exceeded the U. S. government's mercury limits and one piece of swordfish was double the FDA mercury limit. Tuna also contained alarming amounts of mercury. Protect your family from mercury Women and children are most at risk from high levels of mercury exposure from eating tuna, swordfish and other seafood. Mercury ingestion can lead to memory loss, developmental and learning disorders, vision loss, heart disease and, in extreme cases, can result in death. To respond to the mercury in seafood crisis and to end the destructive fishing methods often used to catch tuna and swordfish, Turtle Island Restoration Network created GotMercury.org. Use the free mercury calculator at www.gotmercury.org to make lower-mercury fish selections. Join GotMercury.org in calling on food safety officials to require posting of mercury warnings wherever fish is sold and to cut by half the current 30-year-old mercury limits to better protect the health of women, children and anyone who eats tuna, swordfish and other seafood. Simple actions you can take today 1) Sign the petition urging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Margaret Hamburg to require more consumer protections  Click here to sign the petition 2)  Sign up at www.gotmercury.org to receive alerts and news 3) Become a Fan of the GotMercury Facebook Page 4) Make a contribution to the GotMercury.org  project.  Every donation makes a difference!