The Underwater Images Photo/Video Competition
Our Mission Statement: Inner space is a relatively new frontier for mankind that will open new horizons in science and medicine, as well as art and recreation. The purpose of the Underwater Images Photo/Video Competition is to raise the awareness of the ecological importance of preserving marine habitats that represent Nature's oldest and most stable living ecosystems. This will create more conscientious diving practices and generate new interests in the realm of marine environmental science and education.
See the 2009 winning images can be seen at

Mahonia Na Dari ("Guardians of the Sea" in the local Talasea language) is a program which has been working to protect Papua New Guionea's abundant biodiversity by promoting the sustainable development of its biological and cultural resources. MND was established in 1996 as a result of a cooperative venture by the owners of Walindi Plantation Resort and several international governmental and non-governmental orgapnizations, including the European Union and the Nature Conservancy.

Other beneficiaries have included:
MAST (Marine Archaeological Survey Team) which is an organization that sponsors education in Marine Archaeology. MAST also helps buoy shipwrecks in Lake Erie for preservation from anchor damage, as well as document and preserve the history of Great Lakes shipwrecks.
Diveheart whose purpose is to provide and support educational SCUBA diving and snorkeling experience programs that are open to any physically impaired child or adult in the hope of providing both physical and psychological therapeutic value to that person.