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positioning devices, cameras, acoustic modems, pressure sensors, animal tags and more. SPORT DIVING No more surface swims! Find the boat, your buddy, the ascent line or a piece of equipment quickly and with confidence. Maximize the productivity and enjoyment of your dives. Years ago, we developed the DiveTracker as a buddy locater; the goal was to be able to return to your buddy when you wanted to re-group. However, various other applications became apparent and before we knew it recreational divers were knocking on our door. Typical tasks include marking of underwater objects, safeguarding and recovery of underwater instrumentation and vehicles, general diver navigation and emergency pingers for divers. The chief attractions of these devices are ease of use, low cost and operational reliability due to their simplicity. Both DiveTrackers consist of two components, a transmitter (pinger) and a receiver. Using the indicators on the receiver, a diver can easily return to any location or object marked with a transmitter. To aid in the return to a boat, the transmitter may be lowered from the boat or attached to the anchor line. To serve as a distress beacon, the transmitter can be carried by a diver, to be activated when an emergency occurs. A diver can carry transmitters, then use them to mark underwater object or locations for a later return. Any number of receivers can be used with one transmitter, allowing a group of divers to use the system. SCOUT is small, easy to use, and inexpensive. The SCOUT receiver is not much larger than a magic marker; it won't get in the way. Attach it to a D-ring of your B/C and you'll hardly know it's there. SCOUT uses a simple 2-color light to indicate both distance and direction. Sweep it around until the strongest signal is found. That's the direction to the transmitter. Now just watch the light. If it's red, you are 300 to 1,000 feet away. A combination of red and green means 100 to 300 feet. And if the light is green, you are less than 100 feet away. The light blink speed will vary as well. It will indicate that you're 100 feet away (slowly blinking green) or 20 feet away (quickly blinking green). We recommend SCOUT for general navigation tasks and operations where small size is of the essence. Use
SPORT in difficult and challenging operations to obtain the maximum level of performance.
Customer Reviews: My dive buddy was also very impressed when we came back to the swim step of the dive boat 7 out of seven times over the two day dive trip. At one point we had a lively discussion in 35' of water as to where the boat was anchored. He was really surprised when we followed my direction and came directly back to the boat. We would of had a long surface swim, in current, had we gone the direction he wanted to follow.
Desert Star Systems on Scuba Diver Girls Directory