Have you heard that the popular #1 Movie The Last Song features loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings? In her new movie,
The Last Song, Disney star Miley Cyrus helps with a baby loggerhead sea turtle project, watching them emerge from their nest on the beach in Tybee Island, Georgia. We need your help today to thank Miley Cyrus for highlighting loggerheads and to encourage her to join us in the ongoing fight to save these imperiled sea turtles from extinction.
Miley, don't let destructive fisheries be The Last Song for imperiled loggerheads The baby loggerhead sea turtle stars will be forever in the hearts and minds of millions of Miley fans. Now, we are asking Miley and all her fans to be partners with the Sea Turtle Restoration Project in helping loggerhead sea turtles in Georgia and around the globe to survive despite pressures from fisheries, pollution, and impacts to nesting beaches.
There are THREE ways you can take action now to help loggerhead sea turtle conservation efforts 1)
Sign our petition to Miley Cyrus, encouraging her to take more action to promote the sea turtle conservation efforts of the Sea Turtle Restoration Project! 2)
Click here to send a letter to the NMFS Sea Turtle Coordinator in support of uplisting loggerheads from threatened to endangered on the U.S. Endangered Species Act if you have not already signed. 3)
Donate to the Sea Turtle Restoration Project, Adopt a Nest, or make a contribution and receive a Sea Turtle charm bracelet or onyx carved turtle.
We can reach millions of caring young conservationists if Miley joins our cause, ensuring greater success for our efforts to support the proposal to list U.S. loggerheads as endangered species, designate critical habitat on nesting beaches and ocean migration corridors, and establish strong ocean policies that provide endangered sea turtles the protections they need to recover their population.
Sincerely, Chris Pincetich, Ph.D, Campaigner & Marine Biologist Buy your Scuba Diver Girls Sea Turtle Lover T-shirt!